
“Who are ‘QUAK!’?” and “What are our concerns?”
… lets let the group participants “speak” for themself.

“What is Queer?”

This is the result of our Sept. 17th, 2015 brainstorm on “Queer”.

Each of us took a marker and wrote on the board what they associate with “Queer”. The effect on the group was astounding. We hope to do it again soon, and with other topics.

Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag
Brainstorm QUAK! “Was ist Queer?” von QUAK! – Queer antikapitalistische Aktion ist lizenziert unter einer Creative Commons Namensnennung – Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 4.0 International Lizenz.

“What is anti-Capitalist?”

This is the result of our Oct. 1st, 2015 brainstorm on “anti-Capitalist”.

Since the brainstorm on “Queer” hit with the group, we repeated the exercise with “anti-Capitalist”.

Each of us took a marker and wrote on the board what they associate with “anti-Capitalist”. Again, people were eager to participate, and even with a group more than twice the size of the Sept. 17th meeting it felt like people who wanted to write got the chance to. Looks like we have a communications tool.

Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag
Brainstorm QUAK! “Was ist Queer?” von QUAK! – Queer antikapitalistische Aktion ist lizenziert unter einer Creative Commons Namensnennung – Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 4.0 International Lizenz.

“What is Action?”

This is a graphic representation of the result of our Oct. 15th, 2015 brainstorm on “Action”.

“What is Action?” The final brainstorm in the series Queer-Anticapitalist-Action.

Each of us took a marker and wrote on the board what they associate with “Action”. This brainstorm seemed a bit harder than the last two. People took lots of time to think. We did however jokingly agreed to brainstorm everything and anything in future just because it is so much fun.

Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag
Brainstorm QUAK! “Was ist Queer?” von QUAK! – Queer antikapitalistische Aktion ist lizenziert unter einer Creative Commons Namensnennung – Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 4.0 International Lizenz.

Creative Commons license CC BY-SA 4.0