QUAK! fällt aus!

– Wichtig Planänderung! –

– We’ve Rescheduled! –

Liebe Genoss_Innen – QUAK! muss heute (12.11.15) aus ausfallen. Wenn ihr wollt sehen wir uns am Do. den 26.11.15. – Euer Admin.

Dear Comrads – QUAK! is cancelled today (12 Nov 2015). We look forward to seeing you on Thurs. 26 Nov 2015. – the Admin.

What is Action?

“What is Action?” The final final brainstorm in the series Queer-Anticapitalis-Action

This brainstorm seemed a bit harder than the last two. People took lots of time to think. We did however jokingly agreed to brainstorm everything and anything in future just because it is so much fun.

“What is Action?” The final brainstorm in the series Queer-Anticapitalist-Action. (See post on page “About” for graphic representation.)

What is anti-Capitalist?

Since the brainstorm on “Queer” hit with the group, we repeated the exercise with “anti-Capitalist” at the Oct. 1st, 2015 meeting.

Again, people were eager to participate, and even with a group more than twice the size of the Sept. 17th meeting it felt like people who wanted to write got the chance to. Looks like we have a communications tool.

This is the result of our Oct. 1st, 2015 brainstorm on “anti-Capitalist”.

What is Queer?

Thursday 17 September’s QUAK! meeting – We had a lot of pragmatic stuff to discuss so it got late. Never the less, we over-extended to each grab a marker and write on a big piece of paper what “Queer” means to each of us. We were having such a good time we had to convince ourselves it was time to end the meeting.

The result of our brainstorm on "What is Queer?" The result of our brainstorm on “What is Queer?”

Treffpunkt / Rendez-vous point: WTF-Demo

Info for QUAK-ees attending Marsch-fürs-Leben Counter Protest What-the-Fuck


Wir treffen uns morgen (Samstag 19.09.) um 11:15 direkt an den Bogen des alten Anhalter Bahnhof:
– Karte mit Pfeil bei “Portikus des zerstörten Anhalter Bahnhofs”
– Bild der Ruine
Von dort geht die Demo dann los.


We’ll meet tomorrow, Saturday 19th of September at 11:15 a.m., directly by the old Anhalter Bahnhof railway station:
– Map with arrow at location of the ruin “Portikus des zerstörten Anhalter Bahnhofs”
– Image of the ruin
The demonstration will start there.
Cheers & bis morgen!
